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Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Therapy Volume 7, Issue 7 https:/ Telangiectasia are likewise Alluded to as Bug Veins Norihiro Okada https:/ Two Palliative Procedures Concerning Clinical Result and Wellbeing Economy Fabio Carmona https:/ New Strategy is Contrasted and Other Careful Medicines of This Infection Ana Paula https:/ Carotid Shunting Might Offer a Level of Cerebral Security Feng Qin https:/ Dangerous Sickness and Gastro Duodenal Outlet Block Condition were treated in a Forthcoming Report Luke Davies Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Therapy Volume 8, Issue 6 https:/ Endovascular Treatment for Aortic Analyzation with a Fractional Micropore Stent Graft Marco Barbanti https:/ Effect of Care Fracture after Significant Lower Furthest Point Removal Katharine Storo https:/ Administration of Asymptomatic Lower Appendage Fringe Blood Vessel Sickness Rebecca Sorber https:/ A Pregnant Woman with Sickle Cell Disease and Moyamoya Syndrome Cinthya Sotelo https:/ Detour Treatment for Complex Femoropopliteal Vein Infection Giuseppe Vanella https:/ Carotid Course Stenting For Restenosis Following Endarterectomy Matilde Zamboni https:/ Intracranial Drain Risk and New Thrombolytic Treatments in Intense Myocardial Localized Necrosis Kumar Agarwal https:/ Maintenance of Draining Duodenal Ulcers through Embolization Takao Ohki https:/ Endarterectomy for Coral Reef Plaque of the Paravisceral Aorta Shengli Chen https:/ Femorofemoral Corridor Sidestep Joining in Aortoiliac Occlusive Sickness Yang Shen Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Therapy Volume 8, Issue 5 https:/ NonLysosomal Pathway for Enhanced Gene Therapy Chung Xian https:/ Execution of the Biointegral Bovine Pericardial Join in Vascular Diseases Reinders Merfol https:/ Elective Open Fringe Vascular Medical Procedure Joshua Monsen https:/ Significant EndoBronchial MucoEpidermoid Carcinoma in Females Raziya Sulthana https:/ Drug Maintenance in Strong Growths by Conglomerating EndoCMC Nanoparticles Fiung Lee Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Therapy Volume 9, Issue 1 https:/ Revascularization Techniques for BelowtheKnee Peripheral Arterial Disease Sanjim Parikh https:/ Treatment Strategies for Tandem Vascular Occlusion The Role of Bridging Therapy Xien Sui https:/ Emerging Complications of Cerebral Hyperperfusion Syndrome PostEndovascular Treatment Shindo Namura https:/ Impact of Endovascular Treatment on Mortality and Disability in Anterior Circulation Large Vessel Occlusion Stroke Rinkel Goval https:/ Correlation of Arterial Calcification Patterns with Clinical Outcomes in Peripheral Arterial Disease Patients Undergoing Endovascular Therapy Shen Jiang https:/ Stroke Etiologies and Clinical Outcomes in Endovascular Therapy for LargeVessel Occlusion Satow Ishi https:/ Puncture Site Complications in NeuroEndovascular Therapy Risk Factors and Vascular Closure Device Efficacy Shiyan Shim https:/ Selecting Vascular Access Device Types for Systemic AntiCancer Therapies in Cancer Patients Carthy Waish https:/ Baroreflex Activation Therapy is a Novel Approach in Heart Failure Management Coridad Grazette https:/ Venous Disease has a Significant Impact on Quality of Life and Work Productivity Emmanuel Messas Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Therapy Volume 8, Issue 3 https:/ Veins have OneWay Valves that Allow Blood to Flow towards the Heart Jason K Lee https:/ Central Venous Catheters have Become Indispensable for the Management of the Critically Ill Patient Eric Fernandes https:/ An Aneurysm is a Weakened and Bulging Area in the Wall of an Artery Daniel Kristen https:/ WeightBearing Stump and Allows the Patient to Liberate From the Weight Event to the Usage of a Phony Limb Melina Kibe https:/ Moyamoya Disease is a Rare Cerebrovascular Disorder that Affects the Blood Vessels in the Brain Laura Saderi https:/ Veins of the Legs do not Function Properly Impeding Blood Flow Back to the Heart Lin Jung https:/ Clinical Examination will not Always Indicate the Nature and Extent of the Underlying Abnormality D Buckler https:/ Chronic Venous Disease is Rselated to the Number of People with the Disease Harry brook https:/ Trial LongTerm Outcomes of Transcarotid Arterial Revascularization TCAR Following Mechanical Thrombectomy for Ischemic Stroke A Case Series https:/ Varicose VeinsCurrent Treatment Options Mamta Arora and Simran Arora Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Therapy Volume 8, Issue 1 https:/ Dysfunction in Chronic Venous Insufficiency CVI Susumu Ishikawa https:/ Chronic Venous Insufficiency of the Lower Limbs Lars V Kober https:/ Anterior Tibial Artery Pseudoaneurysm PostEndovascular Atherectomy and Revascularization Tushar Menon, Ameera C Mistry, Shahin Bhagwagar, Bryant Kao, Rahul Malhotra and PerminderSanghera https:/ A Novel Approach to the Management of Inadvertent Subclavian Artery Cannulation Using AngioSeal Closure Device A Case Series Arun Goyal, Igor A Laskowski, Romeo B Mateo, Nicole Lin, Cynthia Lin and Sateesh C Babu https:/ Hospitals Contributed Data for Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Cabg Surgery Subhadip Ghosh https:/ Problematic Amorphous Dreams Apparently dont Exist in Youngsters Mori J Krantz https:/ Gastro Duodenal Outlet Obstruction is a Complication of Advanced Gastrointestinal Malignant Disease Justin J Kim Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Therapy Volume 8, Issue 4 https:/ Aneurysms and Arteriovenous Fistulas Generally Showed Saccular Irrum Fizal https:/ Thrombogenic Catheter Material was Polyurethane Coated with Hydromer Erin Brenner https:/ Anatomic Durability is Largely Understood and Incorporated into DecisionMaking Joseph Flynn https:/ Inflammatory Affiliation that Might Be Hard to See From Vacuities Makoto Emori https:/ Endovascular Therapy for Carotid Stenosis Differentiated and Operation Rachel M Nygaard Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Therapy Volume 7, Issue 12 https:/ Potential Consequences of a Poorly Placed Tom Ohyama https:/ Migrated Pelvic Coil in her Right Pulmonary Artery Yalcn Kara https:/ Amputations without Even Undergoing a Basic Angiographic Evaluation Makto Miyake https:/ Fistula of Right Renal Artery to Inferior Vena Cava and Poor Perfusion of the Right Kidney ShengYueh Yu https:/ Develop Chronic Post Thrombotic Complications are Severe Sam Marzouki Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Therapy Volume 7, Issue 11 https:/ Fringe Course and Extra Cranial Carotid and Vertebral Conduits Isaac See https:/ Fistulas Generally Showed Saccular or Fusiform Widening of the Vascular Channels Savino Sciascia https:/ Expulsion of Patients with Diabetic Foot is a Critical Issue All over the Planet Meichun Deng https:/ Critical Risks of Endovascular Therapy for Carotid Stenosis Differentiated and Operation Xiumei Wang https:/ Treatment Dynamically Incorporates the Use of Percutaneous Angioplasty Shyam Arili Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Therapy Volume 7, Issue 10 https:/ Crisis the Executive of Distal Appendage and Skull Breaks Sherene Shalhub https:/ US Army Amputee Patient Care Program David Armstrong https:/ Strange Limits Over to More Tasteful Stumps JianLong Liu https:/ Venous Part in the Fistulas Saw the Two Circumstances Karen Woo https:/ Critical Risks of Endovascular Therapy for Carotid Stenosis Carolyn Robinson Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Therapy Volume 7, Issue 8 https:/ Pelvic Coil Causing Pulmonary Infarct in an Adult Female Nasreen Banu https:/ Frequent amputations without even undergoing a basic angiographic evaluation Yuya Shiota https:/ Endovascular techniques are the treatment modality of choice Kazuki Iemura https:/ Deep vein thrombosis develop chronic post thrombotic complications are severe Keita Suzuki https:/ Single Coronary Artery as a Possible Source of Myocardial Ischemia Viktoria Sasheva Dimitrova Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Therapy Volume 6, Issue 12 https:/ Lipemia related to Vascular Biology pZang Wangp https:/ Cardiovascular Health and its Advances pAmedeo Xup https:/ Perspective on Oxidative Stress in Onset of Cardiovascular Disease pJames Robbinp https:/ Note on Cardiovascular Development to Remodelling pJames Robbinp https:/ Commentary on Carotid disease which involved in Stroke pZang Wangp Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Therapy Volume 7, Issue 9 https:/ Inserting a cannula that this common procedure may have serious consequences Kenji I keda https:/ Fragile Collateral Vessels At The Base Of The Brain Yugo Yamashita https:/ Despite an important anatomical abnormality of the coronary artery Naoto Yamamoto https:/ Carotid endarterectomy is a commonly performed but controversial procedure Alireza Dastan https:/ Delayed Critical Stenosis in a Zenith Alpha StentGraft Used for the Treatment of Blunt Thoracic Aortic Injury Rohan Arasu1, Ian Campbell2, and Juanita Muller3 Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Therapy Volume 7, Issue 6 https:/ Two Techniques Conveyed a Critical Gamble of Stroke Maram Alkhatieb https:/ Treatment Progressively Includes the Utilization of Percutaneous Angioplasty Hope Shin https:/ Tragically Handicapped People Proved Expanded Gloom and MentalSymptomatology David A Rigberg https:/ Presence of Metatarsalgia and Unreasonable Weight Bearing on the LesserMetatarsal Heads Kate Sansam https:/ Successful Incorporation of Patient Values and Preferences to Shared DecisionMaking on Repair of Complex ThoracoAbdominal Aortic Aneurysms Albert C Gaw, MD Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Therapy Volume 7, Issue 5 https:/ Protein Frameworks Engaged with Keeping up with Tissue Harmony in the VeinDivider Keith Powers https:/ Endoscopic Stenting Methodology than For an Open Careful Detour Theo Von https:/ Hemorrhagic Sort is All the More Frequently Seen in the GrownUp Sally Seed https:/ Activity Additionally Present the Best Test to the Anaesthetist Sam Richardson https:/ Exercise Was Effective In Preventing Deterioration of Underlying Disease Chris Pratt Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Therapy Volume 8, Issue 2 https:/ Haemorrhagic Stroke appeared to be More Common in the Strokes Shyam Tibrewal https:/ Bone Overabundance is the Critical Bother of Evacuation in Adolescents Dalia Dhia Hadi https:/ Result Measures Should Join Deadly and NonFatal Cardiovascular Events Siva Sagar https:/ Potential Consequences of a Poorly Placed Cannula can be Enormous https:/ Medical Therapy to Endovascular or Open Revascularization for Carotid Stenosis Shanmukh Rao https:/ Clinical Application of Such Strategies of Therapeutic Revascularization Rahul Mengane https:/ Deposition of Atherosclerotic Plaque at the Level of the Aortic Bifurcation Vasavi Samisetti https:/ Temsirolimus Adventitial Delivery to Improve ANGiographic Outcomes below the Knee TANGO pIan Cawich1 , Ehrin J Armstrong2 , Jon C George3 , Jaafer Golzar4 , Mehdi H Shishehbor5 , Mahmood Razavi 6 , Victoria Lee7 and Kenneth Ouriel8p Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Therapy Volume 7, Issue 4 https:/ Male Sex and Smoking were Perceived as Tremendous Bet Parts of High EjectionSpeed of Diabetic Foot Wen hu https:/ Treatment Ceaselessly Integrates the Utilization of Percutaneous Angioplasty Haruki Murakami https:/ Strategy yet Before Discharge in the Vast Majority of Events Field edwards https:/ Consolidate Practice Versus Practice or Various Modalities Srinivas Guna https:/ Intravascular Lithotripsy Assisted Carotid Stent Expansion pVeena Mehta1 and Mathew Wooster2p Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Therapy Volume 7, Issue 3 https:/ Internal Carotid Vein Injury Continues Jin Zhang https:/ Critical Bother of Evacuation in Adolescents Zhenyu Guo https:/ Incorporates the Usage of Percutaneous Angioplasty Takaaki Ito https:/ Endovascular Treatment for Carotid Stenosis Contrasted and Medical Procedure Daniel Christian https:/ Outcomes of PercutaneousFirst Femoral Artery Access for Fenestrated and Branched Endovascular Aneurysm Repair pstrongspan langENUS stylefontsize120ptspan stylefontfamilyquotCambriaquot,quotserifquotDiamond KR, Simons JP, Crawford AS, Judelson DR, Jones DW, Nguyen TT, Aiello FA and Andres Schanzerspanspanstrongspan classMsoEndnoteReference styleverticalalignsuperspan langENUS stylefontsize120ptspan stylefontfamilyquotCambriaquot,quotserifquotspanspanspanp Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Therapy Volume 7, Issue 2 https:/ Paying Specific Respect to the Varying Epidemiological pRamesh Patilp https:/ Synchronous Crossover Revascularization Technique pHayajneh Hweidip https:/ Foster Helpful Devices for the Near Examination of Information pWei Tsaip https:/ Clinical Suspicion of RenoVascular Disease pOno Saigap https:/ Moyamoya Sickness is a Particular Persistent Cerebrovascular Occlusive Illness pNao Kurodap Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Therapy Volume 7, Issue 1 https:/ Endovascular Treatment of Horrendous Inward Carotid Vein pGonul Onayp https:/ Migraine Related Factors Introducing Signs and Indications pRandy Oharap https:/ Ability and Consideration with Respect to the Specialist pJacob Aitkenp https:/ Practice was Compelling in Forestalling Weakening of Basic Infection pChul Wonp https:/ Quantity of Individuals with the Infection pTanor Costap Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Therapy Proceedings of Webinar on Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases https:/ Prevalence of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in Patients with Otitis Media in Federal Medical Centre Owerri Imo State Nigeria pAkwukwaegbu RNp https:/ Does Fever Increase or Decrease Blood Circulation pK M Yacobp https:/ Computational Prediction of siRNA as Potential Antiviral Agent against COVID19 pBydaa Atronp https:/ An Evaluation of Opportunistic Fungi in the Samples of Iranian Patients pParvin Dehghanp https:/ Infectious Diseases pArmen B Avagyanp https:/ An Evaluation of Opportunistic Fungi in the Broncho Alveolar Lavage Samples of Iranian Patients pParvin Dehghanp https:/ Infectious Diseases and Microalgae pArmen B Avagyanp https:/ Natural molecules are plausible therapeutic leads to the major protein targets of SARSCoV2 Insights from computational modeling and molecular dynamic simulation studies pSinosh Skariyachanp https:/ Suppression of the Reproduction of the Influenza Virus Strain A WSN 1933 by Means of Small Interfering Rnas Directed to the Genes of the NuclearPore Complex p styletextalignjustify marginbottom13pxEvgeny A Pashkovp https:/ Prevalence of Drug Resistance Bacteria in Primary Secondary and Tertiary Healthcare Level in Bangladesh pMir Shamsunnahar Tomap https:/ Candida Haemulonii Infection An Emerging Nosocomial Fungal Pathogen with Invasive Candidiasis Antifungal Resistance and Diagnostic Challenges in Resource Limited Setting pOdubunmi Oluwatosin Ayobamip https:/ The Role of Host Genetic Variability in the Development and Establishment of Human Gut Microbiome Diversity pLarissa Matosp https:/ Production and Purification of Cellulase Enzyme from Marine Isolates pSaloni Parekhp https:/ Implementation of Antimicrobial Stewardship Makes a Difference pPoonam Guptap https:/ Study of Hiv Status in 400 Cases of STDs in Shanti Id ClinicVadodargujarat India pNarendra Kumar Choprap